Designed during the 1950s, the Mirage III entered service in 1961 and is still flying with the Pakistanese Air Force today. Among the numerous versions that were developped, the 1401 exemple built can be devided into two groups: those equiped with the Atar 9B engine and those using the Atar 9C. The weight increase made it necessary to modify the brake system. This item is an accurate scale down replica of the late type wheels and can be fitted to the Mirages IIID, E, and S as well as the Mirage V and 50.
Parts for assembly and painting
Recommanded kit: None
Designed during the 1950s, the Mirage III is the first european design combat aircraft to exceed Mach 2 in horizontal flight. It entered service in 1961 and is still flying with the Pakistanese Air Force today. Except for France, this famous delta-wing fighter was exported to 20 nations around the world. Among the numerous versions that were developped, the 1401 exemple built can be devided into two groups: those equiped with the Atar 9B engine and those using the Atar 9C. The weight increase made it necessary to modify the brake system.
This item is an accurate scale down replica of the late type wheels and can be fitted to the Mirages IIID, E, and S as well as the Mirage V and 50. The characteristic details of the modified brake system including the larger brake discs and newly designed brake calipers have been recreated. Rim details like the center cap and the inflating valve have been accurately rendered. This set includes the 2 main wheels and the nose wheel. Tires are realisticaly flatened to the replicate the effect of the weight of the aircraft while on the ground. These parts can be mounted on any Mirage III kit but, as it was not designed for a specific kit, some adjustment may be necessary to fit properly.
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