Our Objectives :

Our goal is to provide modellers with precise and realistic improving sets. The establishment of our company was based on a simple fact. With the creation of Internet and with information being more and more accessible, modelers around the world are getting pickier and pickier. Being modelers ourselves, we got to the conclusion that most of the time currently avalable accessory sets are either sharp with unrealistic proportions and details or, accurate with extremely dull casting. In order to address these shortcomings, we chose to use 3D printing technology and to 3-D model parts based on thoroughly researched documentation. To get correct information, we carefully study technical manuals, production drawings, books but are also visiting museums and getting access to privately owned collections to take pictures and measurements. If you have this kind of document, drawing or equipment and wish to share them with us so we can keep the same level of detail for our products, do not hesitate to contact us.

Our Inspiration :

Visit to museums
Visit to active units
Visit to active units
Technical drawings
Technical drawings

Our Background :

SparKit-Models is the latest step on a path that has been fully dedicated to modelling and intimately ties both hobby and professional aspects. Our team is made of both modelers who have been building models since their youngest days and have published articles in dedicated magazines but, also professionals with 15 years experience of plastic kit design for mainstream companies. This association allows us to get the best of everyone talent to achieve the finest range of detailling sets. Solid aeronautical and historical knowledge bring a high level of researching skill making it easier to identify within a wide range of technical documentation the specificities and evolutions of various equipments. Modelling skills help us to adapt our products to modelers' wishes. Industrial skills give us rigor and technical requirement in order to improve our products and make them easier to use.